Hungry for Honey

14 April 2017

Thoughts sting
Like bees on my skin
A hundred little hive bites
And the humming of gossamer gold wings
The stripy fluffy bodies
Are not for petting or fun
They swim before my eyes
A flight of warning
A swarm of intent
The pain for seeking honey
Is attack
So be ready to transmute the sting
Before it fells you where you stand
There is no crime in seeking honey
But don't expect to be thanked for it
Creatures will act in accordance with
their nature

3 May 2017: bee landed on face and hung out for a while which leaves me Pondering now the difference between taking honey rather than using life given resources to make your own

Poetry by Maija Liepins
Read 925 times
Written on 2017-07-27 at 22:00

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo, Maija, kind of reminds of a dogs, I met, during hot summers days licking the salt from my seaty hands, hungry, in need of salt.