Joy is within our reach, Let it be understood by each, To be happy if all we teach, We needn't about love preach.

True Heaven is Under the Sun

This World is a lovely place
Where all live to enjoy life
For happiness, we need grace
Of God to solve each strife

We know not what may happen
But, we can plan to some extent
Our brain is a sharp weapon
With which, by God, we are sent

We are given a heart to use
If we show love to everyone
True bliss, that will produce
We can have with all holy fun

Heart and brain if join together
We can make life a true Heaven
If each is our sister and brother
Stay on Earth can be well-done

For health and wealth, let us pray
And offer others peace of mind
If we treat all in the kindest way
On Earth itself, Heaven we can find.


Poetry by mvvenkataraman
Read 976 times
Written on 2017-08-06 at 08:46

Tags Love  Kindness  Mirth 

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