When we take in God asylum, He will remove every problem, If we sing a holy hymn, Help will surely come from Him!

God Will Strengthen My Will

With faith, pray and live,

The best to all, you give,

In kindness, you believe,

Others' faults, you forgive.

What you have, you share,

With patience, you bear,

When circumstance scare,

To face them, you prepare.

Faith in God, you increase,

For this, is needed no fees,

Your mind, God will ease,

Before Him, bend your knees.

Your worries, to God, reveal,

When you, with trust, kneel.

All your problems, He will steal,

And make your will equal steel!

M V Venkataraman

Poetry by mvvenkataraman
Read 204 times
Written on 2023-07-10 at 18:00

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Dear Griffonner,

Thanks for your kind comment,

My broken feelings, you could cement,

When you are there, why should I lament?

From the Almighty, your words are sent!

I am cured now one hundred percent,

You have perfumed my poem with holy patting scent,

Colossal confidence, to me, you have kindly lent,

"Pats of noble people act like God" is what by me meant!

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
I feel that many people will think this earnest poem would make a good prayer. If they do, they may well find solace by incanting it as required. Ultimately, I earnestly wish: May your God be with you strengthening your will and your steel.
Blessings, Allen