Hoping will be helping us in keeping our reaping great benefits through a wonderful leaping!

Let Optimism Bloom in Heart-Room

Fear may daunt,
Saying you can't,

Tear may threaten,
Peace will be eaten,

Fate may attack,
By keeping a track,

Friends may ditch,
Leave our pitch,

Time may be bad,
We may feel sad,

Losses may visit,
To forever sit,

None to support,
To heal the heart,

Sorrows will deluge,
Agony will be huge,

Misfortune will flood
To trouble the head,

During that occasion,
Control your emotion,

Think with deep sense,
Benefits will be immense,

Don't resort to crying,
Instead do only trying,

Soon a way will emerge,
Peace with you will merge,

Being hopeful and careful,
Will be always helpful,

Be steady and sturdy,
Will arrive a remedy,

Lose not confidence,
Trust in Providence,

All the best my dear,
Never give up cheer,

Surely you will win,
Positively begin!

M V Venkataraman

Poetry by mvvenkataraman
Read 200 times
Written on 2023-05-12 at 14:29

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