hope you'll like it!


I lived my life in the midst of pains, sadness and tears
Hounding me each day deeply all over
You came in when I was about to close the doors totally
Then I was caught up in love that moment
I felt like I was saved by the bell for the best reason I know
And that was because I got YOU

In that moment you just suddenly swept off my feet
You're like a sun rising from the horizon
And an air gently blowing making me breathe each day
The happiness seeding from deep in me
As days passes by those things completes me as a whole
Better than worst I am today because of YOU

Thankful for this day I have you by my side keeping me warm
Even more secured for you have brought peace
I am complete and ready to rise and shine once again with you
I'm not afraid for tomorrow will be better even best
All those things all together and sum up will lead to a reason
"That's all about loving you"

Poetry by loulou
Read 1395 times
Written on 2006-05-25 at 12:47

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If its beautiful like this for sure I'll like it and everyone,good write:_)

Christoffer Waye
Real wonderful poem, Simply great.

excellent!!!!may I know who's unlucky man (joke)..ANYWAY welcome HERE On BAY!!!