Bring me the horizon...

Bring Me The Horizon

Bring me the horizon
Of the on and on,
Tinctured time works
Flowering cloudy quirks.
Of their going while
Shades of timeless style,
Love songs of the sky
When evening lights fly.

Bring me this love
From clouds far above,
With every shade
From eternal made.
For the new morning
Again will soon sing,
With the breeze blowing
On to the old glowing.

Bring me the horizon
When the day is gone,
To starry night
With all its shining bright.
When dreams return
In their reddish gleaming burn,
When dusk is falling
And fantasies calling.

Poetry by Peter S. Quinn
Read 815 times
Written on 2018-04-13 at 19:17

Tags Horizon  Morning  Fantasy 

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