Life is like a melody...

Time Drifts Apart

Life is like a melody
beautiful as it goes,
days full of memory
like timeless glows.

Times drifting apart
flowers of the falling,
some inside a heart
always to you calling.

Life is like a road
into reserve going,
full of times load
as years are growing.

Dreams come to stay
into hearts alone,
with love they'll play
on their very own.

Life is distance days
all we don't know,
as in time it plays
tones high and low.

Melodies to long
with each pace done,
in existence song
that goes on and on.

Poetry by Peter S. Quinn
Read 976 times
Written on 2018-05-14 at 02:36

Tags Life  Time  Melodies 

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
Nice. It is good to think of it like that.