Touch my heart with your heart...
For everything is going by
It's a beginning footstep to start
And then it's like clouds so high
Every dance that we know
Is from its closeness or distance
Like dancing above till and fro
For another second chance
Years are drifting in our vain
It's the blood of every occasion
Made from pleasures and strain
To its demeanor and orations
Existence's of choice and blessing
Coincidences for a time's break
We are dancers in its caressing
Moving forward for each wake
Let me love and let me still find
Everything I need to really know
Leave the misplaced - in its behind
For wheels of life must go and go
I've tried in every one of my ways
To find what I was looking for
But in there were countless days
I didn't know and wasn't sure
Poetry by Peter S. Quinn
Read 926 times
Written on 2018-04-19 at 12:51
Tags Heart  Kindness  Love 
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Touch My Heart With Your Heart
Touch my heart with your heartFor everything is going by
It's a beginning footstep to start
And then it's like clouds so high
Every dance that we know
Is from its closeness or distance
Like dancing above till and fro
For another second chance
Years are drifting in our vain
It's the blood of every occasion
Made from pleasures and strain
To its demeanor and orations
Existence's of choice and blessing
Coincidences for a time's break
We are dancers in its caressing
Moving forward for each wake
Let me love and let me still find
Everything I need to really know
Leave the misplaced - in its behind
For wheels of life must go and go
I've tried in every one of my ways
To find what I was looking for
But in there were countless days
I didn't know and wasn't sure
Poetry by Peter S. Quinn
Read 926 times
Written on 2018-04-19 at 12:51
Tags Heart  Kindness  Love 
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