
self appointed
so-called poets
twisting and twirling words
in a frenzy of post-modern recklessness
desperately scribbling
for the sake of a sliver of celebrity
on social media

morally challenged
peddling post-truth pseudo facts
to a slobbering half literate public
whose only interests are blind violence
and tits and ass
all shown in hi-res photos

everybody wishes to be a rebel
or, what is worse, a revolutionary
using words as swords
cherry-picking tracts for personal gain
condescending and arrogant
culture, tradition, and history
lost and gone forever

Poetry by Wumbulu
Read 661 times
Written on 2018-12-07 at 04:58

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Just got to get what is on our mindes, Bob! ;). For some of us post-modernist poets, know of no other way! We'd become even more unwellish! To quote my favorite writer Terry Pratchett. On being askde: ''Tell me Terry - just who do you write fore (what age)? '' WHO DO I WRITE FOR - DO I WRITE FORE! '' I Write fore those - WHO READ! ''
Speking fore my self and my humbul works . That Is Who I write fore - THOSE WHO READ! ;)