Look Around & Recognize.

Look Around

Look Around & Recognize.

40 years ago
she was beautiful & honest
now she must bring
more to the table

her early morning conversations
with 'Shining Feather'
the culturally misappropriated
spiritual guide
of the 'Nimbo' clan
must be reported in detail
to the authority & morality
of crystal peddlers
& moral misunderstanders

her astral travels
must be embroidered
way beyond
"There Are Fairies at the Bottom of Our Garden."
this is the age of twisted Cartesianism
& Kardashian ass
social media rules
"The more you're 'liked'
the more you exist."
(Et plus magis probaverunt quam vos est.)

J. I miss you.

Poetry by Wumbulu
Read 779 times
Written on 2019-07-31 at 07:05

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josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
I can call wonderfully eccentric glorious women such as whom you describe and yes, they're discounted now. I miss them and we are at a loss for their being diminished.