The muddle in the middle.


You're a mess.
There's dog biscuits in the kitchen corner.

I'm a mess.
There's kitty litter on the bathroom floor.

You've got mail, scattered on every surface.

I've got socks, strewn across the carpet.

Maybe I could straighten you out.
Maybe you could sweep me off my feet.

Tell me we have a future.
More than daily dishes
and dirty diapers.

You could call it Spring Cleaning.

If I knew where to start.

Poetry by Anne Westlund
Read 773 times
Written on 2019-01-18 at 01:14

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Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
I second Thomas! This is a well-written verse.

Anne Westlund
Thank you!

I like the voice of this poem, and of your other poems, vivid, colloquial, snappy if that's the right word. Glad to have read them!