A sociological study. :)

Define Power

something I don't have

something like this...
... sex power authority daddy master servant

a tacky collectible plate
Napoleon crowning Josephine

Saturn in the 10th
Napoleon complex

spoiled children become tyrants
my brother, an emperor without an empire

stuck on a lonely island
these last years

does sex fuel power or power fuel sex?

(lack of economic power undermining intellectual exploration)

bad taste
ballroom full of empire waist dresses

struggle for domination over my life
pitched battle
my mom, a Leo
most people can't even watch

Bonaparte became who he imagined
Affirmations work!
better men stayed, strayed, swayed

now remembered as
puff pastry.

Poetry by Anne Westlund
Read 762 times
Written on 2019-01-18 at 01:18

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jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Very well defined. Eclectic, personal, universal, identifiable.

Sociology is a lost art.