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Our dear Friend

My head is in a hazing fog
Memories of days past and bodies entertwined...
The luscious moans of satisfaction
The grievous notion of resisting temptation...

"Why not?"
Her hot breath teases his ear.
"We're only friends, dear"
Says he as he tries to pull away.

But what power sweet little kisses to the neck do hold.
His eyes roll back and he lets out an ever so silent cry.
Combing back the locks of velvety brown, down right pleasing...
An omen of what is to come...

His mouth opens to further insist we resist,
But it is too late that her lips find their way to his.

Ahh. Sweet, sensual silence.
Pulling back to see his face,
Eyes alight in frustration thanks to our dear friend,

The darkness culls and good intentions be damned.
There is no standing in the way of a hungry man.

Tightly grasping, breaths making haste.
Growls and shrieks and stifled screams.
Purely animal.
For what else could love be?

Poetry by Sarah Parnes
Read 1038 times
Written on 2019-02-12 at 23:17

Tags Lust  Love  Temptation 

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