To Missing You Too Soon

I lay in my bed and wish you were here.
Every second I spend with you is wonderful, even the hours and days feel too short.
I just want to fall asleep next to you and wake up with you.

I want to reach out in the middle of the night and find you there.
I want to put my head on your chest and hear your heart beat -
What a beautiful sound it makes!

I realize and feel, completely, that I am entirely enamored with you.
A year has done little else but whet my appetite to be around you more.

To poke you more.
Irritate you more.
Tell you more dad jokes then your brain can handle.
To hold hands more.
Snuggle more.
Laugh more.
Spend even more time with you.

Our time, however long, is always too short and I find that I miss your presence so fast.
Doing even the most mundane chores when you're around, is just that much sweeter.

You are warm.
You are kind.
You are sometimes funny.
You are incredibly smart, tenacious, and strong.

Strong arms, stronger heart.
Big brain, bigger heart.
Open mind, open arms.

And how I love to be found in your arms.
Almost as sweet as your kisses
And every bit as good as every single part of you.

When I am found in your arms,
Adorned in your loving words,
Pressed close to your strong beating heart,
Your lips on mine,
I feel so calm. So peaceful. So at home. So known.

When I am found in your arms -
When I reach out in the night hoping to find you -
When I miss you too soon -
When I just want you near me because you love me so well,

I pray that you feel as loved by me as I feel so loved by you.
I pray you know my heart is to be as much as a comfort and support as your heart is to mine.
I pray that maybe you miss me as much as I miss you
I pray that when I reach out in my bed at night, that I will find you there.

And when I do, I will sleep most sound.
Because my heart is most at home when you're around.

Poetry by Sarah Parnes
Read 208 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2023-05-26 at 15:15

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Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
I love it how you have used more. This is precisely the feeling and even then we feel, its always something more and more and it just grows. Beautiful, Sarah

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Your poem has been chosen to be featured on the home page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting on our poetry website!

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Lovely sweet poem