Believe in Angels

Feathered Love

I gave my love to an Angel once
And rendered my heart to her
I asked for a fraction of her smile
Just to rest my laden eyes
But she gave me wisdom and taught me love
She sang me everything
Of divine knowledge from above

Oh take me my angel
Take me far away
Bring me to places your feathers have touched
From my dreams yesterday

Oh take me angel
Fly me by your side
Keep me close to you
By God's beneficent sight

But she'd always lull,
'Oh my love,
From the Heavens up above
Only there can I bring you love
From the Heavens up above'

I yearned for her truth
And implored for her muse
I told her I could only see
From the breath she whispers into me

You'll be my kingdom
And this love be our religion
The stars as our guide
We'd live for the moonlight
We'd live for the moonlight

But she'd always lull,
'Oh my love,
My one and only true
The moon will wan
And stars will hide
High above the sky
They will be gone.

Oh my love,
From the Heavens up above
Only there can I bring you love
From the Heavens up above'

Poetry by Shahdele Isman
Read 996 times
Written on 2006-06-02 at 21:18

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this is just beautiful...i really like it :) well done