General Despair

So then I wrote this verse
To commemorate a tragic waste of our society
Our undying frustrations far worse than hungry hobos in their ragged shags
We yearn to move on and lead the communities
So they say
Roll on,
Move on,
Live on,
But I believe what I saw
With my own eyes I saw decadence
It was in a reflection on the window of the milled up evening train
I saw myself decay.

My life left leaving the door ajar
As the blues played in the background
And dogs bark as the cats rattle empty trash bins
My mind broke
No one knows what will happen
Except forlorn shanty reminders of growing old
No one knows what will happen
No one.

I thought the children have gone mad
Crying madly across the streets
Though a poignant vision I could not remember their faces
Nor most of the dream I had last night
The loneliness of my life reminding me of this universal despair
I despair
Most of the time

I still try to make sense of things,
Grasping inevitable to understand myself
This concoction of flesh and bone
With a tang of a soul
And so still I walk
Leaving everything on my mantle
Except old yellowed memories
And slips of vendettas against the present

Maybe I wrote
Because I'm suppressing myself
Good faith has lost me
Somewhere along this despotism
A vicious cycle where the depression surfaces

Words by Shahdele Isman
Read 815 times
Written on 2006-12-01 at 21:24

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