Lullabies and Promises


Goodnight my love
I pray you don grow old

Fasten your hands and twine w/mine
In this lullaby, dreams of kind
Charity and geniality have since long gone
In place a world of destitute and forlorn

So stay with me in our emerald sea
Long I've tried to make you see
Your place is only here by my side
Forget my husband and your brothers who have died


Goodnight my love
But I pray to grow old

I have harboured long in the cold
Feeding scrupulous rage to my soul
For many my kin who have died
As a child hiding by your side

Strength do not question me
Neither retribution nor blasphemy
For now I grew immense and bold
And that a rifle now I must hold


Goodnight my love
To you this I promise

In the morning you will leave
With all the thoughts that you believe
And by dusk you shall die
And in those fields you will lie

And I will weep at such beauty
Not for your passing nor my insanity
But the promise I have spoken
Before you my husband and sons they have not broken


Hark! You curse your only son
That your promise will become
But I fear no affliction told
Still a rifle I must hold

In the morning I will leave
Those infidels I must cleave
From forth poor father's doomed loin
With my brothers I must join

So bid farewell to your son
Because by dawn you will see me gone
Weep at the Sun as its rays burst
As I remember my mother and her curse

Poetry by Shahdele Isman
Read 745 times
Written on 2008-09-05 at 17:30

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