Alex and Leila win the big jackpot of the Lottary again by Ann Wood

It is early in the morning on Monday the 7th of September 2020; the young family is in the kitchen and have a coffee and fill out lottery slips, which will release after breakfast at a nearby lotto point. Since they won the big win last time, they play every week and win small amounts. Last night Alex dreamed the numbers of the Lottery and got up to write down; she believes that they will win the big jackpot again, and this time it is 200 000 000 jackpot for the game, which will be on tonight.
The rest of the family is still sleeping, and the house is so quiet. The construction is going according to plan and will be finishing by the end of the year. They are recruiting staff for the three sites and plan to purchase three more construction sites. They plan to expand their business in the states in cities near the Canadian border. To do this, they plan a long trip to the United States to inspect the terrain and hire construction companies. The whole family plans to travel with RV, and the children will learn from home so that everyone can be together. They plan to leave next week when everything is ready for the road. They bought a small wood stove to heat on cold nights during the trip. They loaded firewood and charcoal into the new trunk. They filled the gas cylinders and freshwater in the two tanks for water, food, and warm clothes for the children and themselves. Margaret will travel with them to help the children, and the three women will work online.

At half-past eight, everyone woke up and went down for breakfast. Leila made hot sandwiches with yellow cheese and bacon on the sandwich and fruit salad press. Make pancakes and cocoa for the children. After their breakfast, they went to drop the slips and then went to the office to review some documents about the case of one of the children from the orphanage home. A young couple from Nova Scotia will adopt the child from the orphan's home. The trial is on Wednesday at noon in Vancouver.
They worked until about three in the afternoon and then went to the market to get some shopping, and after that, they went back home to prepare dinner. When Alex and Leila were at work, Margaret took the children to the park to play on the swings and then to lunch at the nearby mall in the children's playground. At two o'clock in the afternoon, she took them back home and put them to rest from the long day outside. When Alex and Leila returned at five in the afternoon, the children were still asleep. Margaret, she was in the kitchen preparing the vegetables for dinner. Leila marinated the meat for the grill and began to cook it. Dinner was ready in a little over an hour. The children had woken up shortly before dinner was ready. Since the weather is quite warm for September, they sat down to feed in the garden in the fresh air. After dinner, they played monopoly and uno. At ten o'clock in the evening, they entered the house and watched a movie. At eleven o'clock, Margaret put the children to sleep and then went to bed. Michelle, Alex, and Leila went to bed at midnight.

The next morning, Alex received a call from the Lottery that they had won the big jackpot of two hundred million. They were invited to receive a check and an interview at the local TV station. The meeting was scheduled for Friday night at eight o'clock. They were the only winners, and they were thrilled with their success. Relatives and friends called to congratulate them on the big win. All morning they were busy meeting with the agency's social workers. To one, they visited the children's ward to receive new equipment and a scanner. At five, they met Margaret and the children at Maggie's restaurant for dinner. Their day was hectic, and when they returned at night, they took a shower and went to bed early. Michelle and Margaret stayed to put the children to sleep and then watched a movie on Channel Five. When the two young women went to bed, it was past midnight, and it was raining outside.

On Wednesday morning Leila and Alex go early to the office and look again at the case before they go to the court later in the morning. It was eleven o'clock when they arrived in court, and the case was nearly two hours away. They met with the lawyers and the social worker and finally transferred the file with documents in the case. The trial began at precisely one in the afternoon and lasted nearly two hours. Little Daniel's new parents had brought gifts for him and the children from the orphanage that Leila had recently bought from an old lady. The building was in downtown Vancouver and was well preserved for its age. Ten orphans lived in the shelter, cared for by six nurses, two nurses, and a doctor. Three teachers led the children's activities. After the court, Alex and Leila go out for shopping and cinema. They will watch Titanic, and after the movie, they will meet a few friends for dinner. They get back home at around ten o'clock, and the kids are already in bed and sleeping. They go to bed too, because the day was hectic.
In the next few days, they passed quickly and imperceptibly in preparation for the journey. The weather was sunny and warm for September. They were busy shopping and cooking food for the trip. Visiting family and friends and with the interview on Friday.

The first thing they did on Saturday morning was to go to the bank and deposit the money. They opened bank accounts for all the children, ten million for each child. The rest of the money went into Alex and Leila's accounts. Then they went for a walk with the children at the zoo where they had a picnic for lunch. They stayed there until late afternoon because the weather was hot for the season.

They left their home on Monday morning at seven o'clock, and the RV was wholly loaded with their food, water, cleaning, and new games for the kid's supplier. The kids were still sleeping, and they have to get them in the RV. When they finally get ready, Alex gets into the driving seat. First, they will visit Alaska for a few weeks. They Join Trans-Canada Hwy / BC-1 E from W Georgia St / BC-1A, Terminal Ave, and E 1st Ave for 14 min (7.8 km). Than Head northeast on Hornby St toward W Georgia St / BC-1A / BC-99 N for 120 m, after that Turn right onto W Georgia St / BC-1A / BC-99 S Continue onto W Georgia St / BC-1A for 1.5 km. Then they use the two right lanes to take the connecting road to Historic Chinatown for 260m. Then they Use any route to turn right onto Main St / BC-1A / BC-99A S for 450 m and then turn left onto Terminal Ave for 1.2 km; after that, they Continue on E 1st Ave for 4.0km. They use the right lane to take the BC-1 E / TC 350 m connecting road. Take BC-5 N, AB-40 N, Alaska Ave, Yukon 1 W, and AK-2 N to Kobe Rd in Healy, United States 41 h (3792 km).
Enter Trans-Canada Hwy / BC-1 E for 143 km, then continue on BC-3 E for 6.6 km. It was late morning when they stop for a break and to change driver. They have breakfast and take a nap. After an hour, they eat early lunch, and after lunch, they start traveling again. From there, they Continue on BC-5 N for 197 km. After that, they Take Exit 374 for BC-5 N to Sun Peaks / Jasper / BCParks / Wells Gray Park for 650 m. Then they Continue on BC-5 N for 123 km, and after that, At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit and stay on BC-5 N for 215 km. They stop at the gas station to refill the RV and use the restroom, have afternoon tea and snacks. After an hour, Margaret gets into the driver seat, and they Continue onto BC-16 E they enter Alberta for 76.3 km. Then they Continue onto AB-16 for 96.6 km.
Then Turn left onto AB-40 N (signs for Alaska) for 317 km. On the services, they stop to have rest and eat their dinner. They have pizza and salad. They decided to stay the night and continue to Alaska in the morning. After dinner, they take a shower and watching a movie on Netflix. The kids go to bed early because it was a very long day for them. When the film finishes, they go o bed too. In the morning, they get before to have breakfast, and after breakfast, they start their journey again. Michelle gets in the driver seat they Turn left onto Township Rd 710 for 8.2 km. Then Turn right onto Range Rd 71 for 3.2 km and then turn left onto Township Rd 712 for 2.4 km. Then again, Turn right onto Range Rd 72A for 3.2 km.
The kids are still sleeping; it was still very early for them. Alex and Leila were working in the office. Margaret is reading the book in the living room. Michelle is listening to the news on the radio and driving. They Turn left onto AB-43 W; they are entering British Columbia for 78.7 km. Then Continue onto Hwy 2 N for 32.3 km and then turn right onto Rolla Rd for 1.6 km and then turn left onto BC-49 W. for 5.1 km. It starts raining, and Michelle driving slowly. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Alaska Ave / Hwy 2 toward Fort Saint John / Prince George. Continue onto Alaska Ave.they enter the Yukon Territory for 1403 km. For lunch, they stop at a petrol station to refresh and get something to eat. They have chicken soup and sandwiches, also some fresh fruits. After lunch, they take a nap for an hour. Around two o'clock, they start traveling again. Alex is driving this time. They go for six more hours until they stop for dinner and the night. Michelle was cook moussaka and a green salad for dinner. They have their dinner and watching the news on the telly. After dinner, they play monopoly and go to bed early. On next morning they get up first and have breakfast before they start traveling again. Leila is driving, and Alex is sitting on the passenger seat next to her. Around ten, they stop to rest and have a coffee. The kids have their breakfast and watching telly. After an hour and a half, they back on the road. Margaret is driving this time, and the rain starts again. They go for seven more hours before they stop for the break. They have supper and listen to music on the radio. After an hour, Michelle gets into the driver seat and back to the road. They drive for six more hours and stop for the night. On the next day when they get up, it was ten o'clock. They have breakfast, and after that, they back to their journey. Alex is in the driver seat, and they Turn right onto Norseman Rd for 550 m, then Continue onto Burns Rd for 120 m. After that, they turn right onto YT-2 N / Yukon 1 W and Continue onto Yukon 1 W for 154 km. Turn right to stay on Yukon 1 W (signs for Anchorage / Fairbanks / Alaska Highway); they are entering the United States (Alaska) for 323 km. They stop for lunch and to change the driver. For lunch, they have sandwiches and salad. An hour they back on the road, Leila is driving, and they Continue onto AK-2 N for 466 km. Use the right lane to take the road to AK-3 / Nenana / Denali Park for 950 m. After that, Continue onto AK-3 S / Robert Mitchell Expy and Continue onto AK-3 S for 135 km. Drive to your destination Alaska USA. When they arrived, it was late at night; they found a parking lot for the night and had dinner. The children were tired and went to bed after dinner. They watched some TV, and then they went to bed.

The next morning they slept late. When they got up at eleven o'clock, they had breakfast and lit the stoves on both floors; it was freezing. Then they looked for a place to stay longer near the city in which they were. They went there and stopped at a more comprehensive place so that the children could play and, at the same time, be away from the other cars. The location is close to the city and shops. They put on thicker clothes and went for a walk. They went to the shops to see what they offer and at what prices. When they returned, it was past noon. They brought in the purchases, and Leila began to prepare lunch in the kitchen. She made a potato salad and fried chicken and cookies. At three o'clock, they had lunch and watched TV. At seven o'clock, they put the ribs on the grill and made a salad and fries. At nine o'clock, they had dinner and then watched TV. It was past midnight when they went to bed.
The next day, after breakfast, they went to inspect a new construction site. They visited several addresses in Sitka. When they returned, it was noon. They had pizza and salad for lunch, and for dessert, they had fruit pie with vanilla cream. After lunch, they went to bed to rest from the long walk. When they got up, they sat down to discuss the objects they had seen this morning. They chose the last address and called to make an offer for it. The owner invited them to go and sign the purchase agreement the next day at ten in the morning. The evening was spent playing games and having fun, and at eight, they ordered Indian food from a nearby restaurant. Half an hour later, their order arrived, and they sat down to dinner. After dinner, they watched TV and went to bed at midnight.

The next day, they signed the contract of sale and deposited the money. Then they went looking for a construction company to work on the construction. They went online and browsed several companies. They called everyone and stopped at the last one they were talking to. They agreed to sign a contract the next day. After signing, they intend to move to the next state along the Canadian border. The weather in Alaska is too cold for the children and themselves. In the afternoon, they went for a walk to see Sitka. The children enjoyed the sights and fresh air. In the evening, they went to a restaurant and ordered a mixed grill with french fries and salad.
When they returned at nine, they were watching a movie on TV. At midnight they went to bed. The next day they went at eleven to sign the contract with the construction company. When they were done, they went to pour a deal at a local restaurant. After eating cake and ice cream and dessert wine, they set out. They spent the afternoon with the children in the park and the market. In the evening, they ate and went to bed early. It had snowed at night, and everything outside was white with snow. In the morning, the children were thrilled and wanted to go out to play. Alex promised to take them outside after breakfast. Everyone had a quick breakfast and put on their winter clothes and went outside to make a snowman. Everyone had a lot of fun skating with a sled they bought from a nearby toy store.

When they came home for lunch, they were all cold and turned on the air conditioner to warm up faster. For lunch, they made an omelet and a salad. In the afternoon, they went shopping and refueled. When they got home at five, Michelle went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Margaret bathed the children and prepared them for bed. When dinner was ready, they ate and put the children to sleep. In the evening, everyone was exhausted and decided to watch a movie on TV. At about ten, they went to bed, and it was snowing outside again. They left the stoves and air conditioner running all night.

Due to the bad weather, they had to stay in Alaska until the snowstorm subsided or stopped. It was minus 45C outside, and the children were standing inside the stove wrapped in sleeping bags. It was good that they had enough food and water and didn't have to go outside. But they had to buy more wooden blocks and lighter to keep the stoves on all the time. They also took two gas stoves so they could use them during the day. The children enjoyed the snow but not the cold weather. They watched movies, played different party games, told other funny stories.

A week later, the weather improved, and the storm stopped. They left for Washington, the day after the hail stopped, refueled with water, gas, food, fuel, and lighters for the stoves and wooden blocks. They also bought thick jackets and clothes for their next visit to Alaska. They left for Washington, Alex got behind the wheel and continued on to the AK-3 N for 23 minutes (5.0 miles), then headed east to Kobe Rd for 3.0 miles and turned right onto Kobe Rd for 1 mile. 9 miles. Then they
Continue onto AK-3 N. Continue to follow AK-2 E, Yukon 1 E, BC-97 S, AB-43 E, ... and I-90 W to Winton Rd in Chelan County traveled 46 hours (2570 miles) . They turned left onto the AK-3 N for 84.0 miles and kept right at the fork, follow signs for the AK-2 S / Delta Jct / N Pole, and merged onto the AK-2 E. They entered Canada (Yukon Territory) for 290 miles. They stopped for lunch and to rest from the road. They had pizza and salad for lunch. When they had lunch, they went to bed for a short nap. When they got up, they continued on their way. They continued on the Yukon 1 E for 201 miles, Leila was sitting behind the wheel. They turned left to stay on the Yukon 1 E for 95.7 miles. Then turn slightly left onto Norseman Rd for 374 feet, then turn right onto Norseman Rd for 0.3 miles. Then they turned left on the YT-2 S / Yukon 1 E and continued on the Yukon 1 E, and they entered British Columbia for 278 miles. They stopped for the night. Along the way, they stopped several times to walk and take pictures. They ate grilled fish with potato salad. After dinner, they took a shower and went to bed tired from the long journey. The next morning they got up early and had breakfast, and set off. They continued on BC-97 S, crossed the Yukon Territory, and entered British Columbia for 590 miles, with Michelle behind the wheel. At noon they stopped to rest and have lunch, made sandwiches and tea. When they had lunch, they set off again on the road, Margaret driving, and the others slept in the living room and watched a movie. They turned right onto Rd 94 / Dangerous Goods Rte, and they stopped several times to walk and take pictures. They ate grilled fish with potato salad. After dinner, they took a shower and went to bed tired from the long journey. The next morning they got up early and had breakfast, and set off. They continued on BC-97 S, crossed the Yukon Territory, and entered British Columbia for 590 miles, with Michelle behind the wheel. At noon they stopped to rest and have lunch, made sandwiches and tea. When they had lunch, they set off again on the road, Margaret driving, and the others slept in the living room and watched a movie. They turned right onto Rd 94 / Dangerous Goods Rte, and they stopped several times to walk and take pictures. They ate grilled fish with potato salad. After dinner, they took a shower and went to bed tired from the long journey. The next morning they got up early and had breakfast, and set off. They continued on BC-97 S, crossed the Yukon Territory, and entered British Columbia for 590 miles, with Michelle behind the wheel. At noon they stopped to rest and have lunch, made sandwiches and tea. When they had lunch, they set off again on the road, Margaret driving, and the others slept in the living room and watched a movie. They turned right onto Rd 94 / Dangerous Goods Rte, and They continued on BC-97 S and crossed the Yukon Territory and entered British Columbia for 590 miles, with Michelle behind the wheel. At noon they stopped to rest and have lunch, made sandwiches and tea. When they had lunch, they set off again on the road, Margaret driving, and the others slept in the living room and watched a movie. They turned right onto Rd 94 / Dangerous Goods Rte, and They continued on BC-97 S and crossed the Yukon Territory and entered British Columbia for 590 miles, with Michelle behind the wheel. At noon they stopped to rest and have lunch, made sandwiches and tea. When they had lunch, they set off again on the road, Margaret driving, and the others slept in the living room and watched a movie. They turned right onto Rd 94 / Dangerous Goods Rte, and They continued on Dangerous Goods Rte for 5.1 miles.
They continued on Service Rd for 367 feet and then turned slightly right onto the Hwy 2 S and entered Alberta for 23.1 miles. After you
They continued on the AB-43 E for 48.9 miles and turned right on the Range Rd 72A for 2.0 miles. From there, they turned left onto Township Rd 712 for 1.5 miles, then they turned right onto Range Rd 71 for 2.0 miles, then turned left onto Township Rd 710 for 5.1 miles. They then turned right on the AB-40 S for 197 miles and then turned right on the AB-16 (signs for Trans Canada Highway) for 44.0 miles. They stopped to rest and took some pictures. They decided to spend the night and continue their journey in the morning. They ate Potato Stew and Tomato Salad for dinner. After dinner, they watched Mom wash both parts. They went to bed at midnight; it was raining outside.

The next morning they got up late for breakfast and set off again. Alex got behind the wheel and turned left onto the Hazel Ave / AB-93A N (signs for the Alberta 93 Alternate S) and continued on the AB-93A N for 1.1 miles. Then they turned left onto the AB-93 S for 141 miles. They entered the Trans-Canada Hwy / AB-1 / AB-93 for 16.9 miles. They
They took exit 50 for AB-1A to BC-93 / Radium Hot Springs for 0.2 miles. They turned right on the AB-93 S (signs for Radium Hot Springs S) for 6.2 miles. They continued on BC-93 S and entered British Columbia for 58.3 miles. From the roundabout, they took the third exit to BC-93 / BC-95 for 63.8 miles. At two in the afternoon, they stopped for lunch and died. They had an omelet and salad and watched a fun show on Channel Five. An hour later, they continued Leila driving, and they turned left onto the BC-93 S / BC-95 S (signs for Wasa / Cranbrook / Fernie) for 19.2 miles. They used the right lane to take the BC-3 / BC-95 junction to Cranbrook for 0.5 miles. They turned slightly right onto BC-3 W / BC-95 N and continued on BC-95 N for 55.0 miles. Then they turned somewhat right onto the BC-95 S for 0.1 miles and continued on the US-95 S and
They entered the United States (Idaho) for 315 feet. They continued straight to stay on the US-95 S and passed the Taco Bell (60.9 miles to the right) for 61.8 miles. From there they
They continued straight to stay on the US-95 S for 27.0 miles. They continued on US-95 for 8.5 miles and turned right on W Garwood Rd for 236 feet and turned left at the 1st intersection of Old US Hwy 95 for 0.9 miles. They stopped to take some pictures and call their family. They decided to spend the night and take a walk around. They had dinner at eight lasagnas and salad and garlic bread. After dinner, they played monopolies. They went to bed at eleven. The children were tired and fell asleep after dinner.
The next day they got up early, had breakfast and turned on the washing machine, cooked lunch, and set off again at ten, Margaret sat in the driver's seat. The children played in the nursery, and Michelle looked after them. They turned right on ID-53 W for 4.3 miles, and then they turned right on ID-41 N / ID-53 W for 0.3 miles. Then they turned left again on ID-53 W / W Hwy 53 and
They entered Washington for 9.5 miles. They continued on WA-290 W for 9.9 miles; from there, they turned left on WA-27 S / N Pines Rd for 1.0 miles. Then they turned right again for 141 feet. They
They used any lane to flow into the I-90 W on the connecting road to Spokane for 68.2 miles. Then they kept to the left to stay on the I-90 W for 68.8 miles. Then they took output 151 to WA-281 N / Quincy / Wenatchee for
0.3 miles and turned right on the WA-281 for 1.6 miles. Turn right again on WA-281 N for 2.9 miles, then turn left onto Rd 5 NW / White Trail Rd and continue on White Trail Rd for 8.8 miles. They turned left again on the WA-28 W for 25.5 miles and
They kept to the right to stay on the WA-28 W for 0.2 miles.
The roundabout continued straight to stay on the WA-28 W for 4.1 miles. They used the two left lanes to turn left on the US-2 W / US-97 S for 1.8 miles. They used the right lane to take the US-97 S / US-2 W for 0.3 miles. They continued on US-2 W / US-97 S and Continued on US-2 W for
33.8 miles. They then turned left onto Winton Rd for 1 minute (0.5 miles). They overtook the United States in Washington. When they overtook it was late in the evening, they parked on the outskirts of town. They had baked potatoes and salad for dinner. After dinner, they took a shower and went to bed early; the journey was long and tiring. It was raining and cold outside, and they lit the stoves to keep them warm and comfortable.
The next morning they slept late. It was eleven o'clock when they awoke, and they ate breakfast and prepared to go out. They called a real estate agency that would take them to choose a site for the new hospice.

They visited several sites, but have not yet chosen the right place. At five in the evening, they decided to switch for the day and go for a walk with the children and have dinner outside. They went for a walk in the nearby mall and bought some things, watched a children's movie in the mall cinema. They had dinner at nine in an Italian pizzeria near the mall. It was ten o'clock in the evening when they returned. They went to bed shortly after returning home, because the next morning, they had to get up early and continue their search for the terrain. During the night, there was a great storm, and it rained all night and the next day too. They could not go on tour, so they stayed in the RV and worked on other tasks. They watched movies, played monopolies, the children wrote homework, and studied online. At lunch, they had chicken soup, moussaka, and salad. In the afternoon, they watched Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast. At eight o'clock, they had dinner and went to bed early.

The next day the storm was still raging, but the rain had subsided. They stayed in the RV and made several video calls with their family and colleagues from the hospital. The children studied and then played in the living room in front of the TV. At lunch, we made grilled fish and potato salad. At four o'clock, the rain stopped, but not the wind. They went for a walk outside in a nearby park.
The next morning the storm finally subsided, and it was sunny outside. They had breakfast and arranged with the agent to pick them up at ten for a new examination. The children, Margaret and Michelle, stayed in the RV and watched TV. Later, they would go for a walk in the park and take them to McDonald's. The weather was excellent, and the children were enjoying the last sunny days.

Alex and Leila really liked the first site and called the owner to make an offer and buy the land. The owner invited them to his office to sign a contract and from there to certify it with a notary and complete the transfer. After they switched, they went home to look for a construction company to build the hospice. They ate salad and sandwiches for lunch and then set to work. At five, they had already found a company to take over the construction. They agreed to sign a contract the next day and the building to begin by the end of the month. About six children and the other two women returned from their daily walk, and they all sat down to dinner. For dinner, Leila had made stuffed peppers with rice and minced meat, a beetroot salad, carrots, turnips, and an apple. After dinner, they sat down to discuss who was doing what during the day and played uno. At about ten, they went to bed because they were tired from the long day outside.

The next day at ten, they signed the contract with the construction company and went to the market to get products for the trip the next day. They bought everything they needed and filled it with water and fuel. They went through the pharmacy to get medicines and materials for the first aid kit. Then they went home and had soup balls and potatoes and vegetables for lunch. The children played in the playroom in the afternoon. Margaret was on the phone, talking to her relatives in the UK, and the other three women were working in the office. In the evening, after eating, they watched TV and went to bed at eleven.

Short story by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 393 times
Written on 2020-09-30 at 13:18

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Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
I hope you like the story so far

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
There will have continued of this chapter