About a little girl who dots on her dad.


Daddy knows his onions;
I heard mummy say this,
when it was time for bed.
I wonder if he keeps his collection,
Hanging in the shed.

I found some pickled onions,
Hip hip hip hurrah.
I found some pickled onions,
Hiding in a jar.

Daddy likes his onions,
How happy he will be,
Knowing he will always have,
Pickled onions for his tea.

Mummy won't be cross,
I heard what was said.
I've planted pickled onions,
In her flower bed.

I know that daddy,
Will be proud of me.
He will be the only one
In our street, With
a pickled onion tree.

I'll watch the pickled onions
grow, Only from afar. Oh no,
I hope daddy wont be angry,
I forgot to plant the jar.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 259 times
Written on 2021-08-23 at 01:10

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John holliday
nice one Alan nice ly written and it reads well.....lovely bit of humour makes my day better in every way....lol Alan it always happens when I make comments on here I end up making them rhyme