There's a small creature in all of us, Trying to get out.


There's a funny creature
Inside the biscuit tin.
I've never ever seen him;
I know he lives within.

mummy keeps on feeding him,
She buys hundreds every week.
I think there's one in every home,
we cannot be unique.

Sometimes I lift the lid
to take a little peek,
Carefully removing just a few
To hear if he would squeak.

If he's hiding underneath,
With biscuits he'll be smothered,
maybe he cannot breathe,
Oh no; I better take another.

Mummy will think I'm insane,
Expecially when I tell her,
A biscuit chomping creature
Just cannot be contained.

To late daddy got there first.
With biscuit barrel in hand,
How he stomped and cursed,
He said. As he looked in vain.

"That little monsters eaten,
all the biscuits once again".

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 185 times
Written on 2021-09-13 at 23:24

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