Short story
There was a knock on the door.
My other half shouted, "I'll get it".
Me thinking it could be one of those
bible bashers waited a while.
Went to the front door;
Seeing a clipboard in his hands said,
He replied nervously, " We were wondering,
How much do you drink on a weekly basis".
Being I was annoyed
at the impertinence of the question said.
" Not that it's anything to do with you, If I do drink
It's no more than a couple of pints a week".
He replied, " Thanks in that case we won't be
calling on you again".
As he scurried off,
I shouted. "Fine by me".
As the wife closed the door,
She turned and glared at me,
As she said.
"He was talking about milk!"
Short story by Alan J Ripley
Read 296 times
Written on 2021-09-22 at 14:17
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One evening hoping for a quiet night in,There was a knock on the door.
My other half shouted, "I'll get it".
Me thinking it could be one of those
bible bashers waited a while.
Went to the front door;
Seeing a clipboard in his hands said,
He replied nervously, " We were wondering,
How much do you drink on a weekly basis".
Being I was annoyed
at the impertinence of the question said.
" Not that it's anything to do with you, If I do drink
It's no more than a couple of pints a week".
He replied, " Thanks in that case we won't be
calling on you again".
As he scurried off,
I shouted. "Fine by me".
As the wife closed the door,
She turned and glared at me,
As she said.
"He was talking about milk!"
Short story by Alan J Ripley

Read 296 times
Written on 2021-09-22 at 14:17