Getting old is ugly,
It's the only thing left
for me to do.
Waiting for my time
As though I'm in a queue.

Dislike living,
Think living likes me.
Wish it would let me be,
Would dislike dying even more.
As though between living and
Dying there is a tug of war.

You get all tries
for living, But
only one for dying.

Doesn't seem to fair,
Some would say,
Oh yes he had a good life.

Nobody says.
"Oh yes,
He had a good death".
Why don't they
Seem to care?

If I get to heaven,
God will be standing there.
As I was looking round,
I'd wave nonchalantly.

I'd say. "Watcha",
This is one hell
Of a place,
God would laugh,
Then reply. "Gotcha".

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 170 times
Written on 2022-01-18 at 00:20

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
I loved this. Sums up our predicament; and here I confess to being a member of the League of Grumpy old Bustards! What was that line...."I'm tired of living, but feared of dying"; here its equally apt...Nice one Alan.


Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
I really liked this, Alan. I suppose it's arrow will find more of the target with those of us in 'advancing years', but it is a worthwhile read for the yong'uns too. Bravo!