Summer vacation in California Montecito by Ann Wood part 10

The next day, they had breakfast and went to work and school. At noon on her break, Annabelle went to the post office to pick up the parcels and then returned to work. Today she had classes all day, and after school, there was a literature class with the upper-class students. Michelle also attended the after-school literature classes and took her first steps in writing poetry.
In the evening after the robbery, they returned home, where Cynthia was waiting for them for dinner. She had prepared a potato salad and grilled mackerel. For dessert, they had watermelon and melon with a glass of dessert wine for Annabelle and Cynthia and juice for Michelle. After dinner, they cleaned the kitchen and the dining room table, washed the dishes, and made tea and popcorn for the movie night they would make later. Michelle sat down to write her homework for the next day and the biology lesson. After an hour, she learned, they watched Magnum's new series. They went to bed at midnight and set their alarms for the following day.

When they woke up the following day, it was raining outside. They got dressed and went down to breakfast, and got ready for work and school. Today Annabelle would work until noon at school and in the afternoon in the magazine's editorial office. Today I was going to interview the mayor of the city about the new company to help people in need for the upcoming holidays, Thanksgiving, and the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Cynthia also had an interview with several business people and a young artist from the satirical theater. Paul would take them to a working dinner at his sister's house, who would pick Michelle home from school tonight after her dance class was over.
The interviews went well, and the mayor was pleased. Invite them to be present at the campaign and to cover the event. Like every year, this one will have a competition for the best Christmas decorations and a competition for the best Christmas cookies.
Today, Michelle had a test in biology and a trial in mathematics. She did well on both tests and when she was tested in history and geography today. She was also nominated today to become president of the student committee.
All in all, the day of all three was very fruitful and full of emotions.
In the evening, they all believed in Mrs. Smith's home, like one big family.
Michelle had helped prepare dinner and serve dishes that smelled very tasty. Dinner was a lot of fun, and everyone was having fun. The adults talked about work while Michelle wrote her homework after dinner. They left at ten o'clock in the evening.
When they returned, they took a bath and went to bed.
The following day, Annabelle took Michelle to school and from there went to work in the newsroom, as there were no classes at school today. She made several phone calls and a job interview for a new journalist. After the interview, she entered a board meeting and a business lunch with Cynthia, Paul, and the mayor. Lunch lasted until late afternoon, after which they returned to the office where they remained until seven until the evening paper was published.
Melanie had picked Michelle home from school and helped her with homework and a history essay on black history. They had dinner at six, so it was late, and Michelle usually had dinner early, and Annabelle had not yet returned from work. When Annabelle went to pick up Michelle from Melanie, it was eight. They quickly said goodbye and headed home. Cynthia had stayed in the car waiting for them. When they got home, the two women were having dinner, and Michelle was watching TV. The phone in the house rang, and Annabelle picked it up after the third ring.
-Hello, Annabelle on the phone. Who's calling?
-Hello, dear Annabelle, your mother is calling; I wanted to hear you and talk. Did you receive the parcels or have they not arrived yet?
Hi mom, we received them yesterday, thanks for that. How are you with Dad? Is everything alright?
We are well, daughter; your father sends you greetings. I'm calling to let you know that your Aunt Tilly died this morning in a car accident.
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear it, when's the funeral? Give my sincerest condolences to the family, and please, mom.
The funeral is tomorrow, at ten in the morning in the central cemetery. Your Uncle Mario is devastated by grief, barely holding on.
Honey, how are the children?
How to be crushed by grief. They are just crying since they found out about their mother's death.
Oh, poor children, what have they been going through lately.
That's how much they gathered this year. First, their grandmother died, and now their mother.
Mother, I will close that it was late here and I had a hard day.
Good night, daughter. Be careful, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Good night mom, and keep it until tomorrow.
Annabelle lay down, overwhelmed with grief. She cried until she fell asleep.
The next day she told the others what had happened and why she had gone to bed so suddenly last night. They sympathized with her and expressed their condolences.
Annabelle called the school to apologize that she could not go to work today due to family reasons and that Michelle would stay at her house. Mrs. Smith told her to stay home until the end of the week. Annabelle thanked her and closed the line.
She made breakfast, and everyone had breakfast in silence. After breakfast, Cynthia called to work from home so as not to leave Annabelle alone.

Annabelle thanked Cynthia for staying home with them. They made coffee and went to work. Michelle is online at school, so she doesn't run from the material. Annabelle also decided to take her lessons online until she recovered from the shock. That way, they wouldn't have to look for a replacement while she was on sick leave.
Her mother sent her a recording of the funeral so that Annabelle could say goodbye to her beloved Aunt Tilly. Annabelle thanked her mother and apologized for having to go to class and call her later. They said goodbye and hung up.
Annabelle prepared for the online lesson in her office, and Michelle sat in her room and joined the online geography lesson online. Today he will make a presentation of his project for Africa. Everyone listened to her very carefully and asked questions; she answered them and showed pictures from Africa that she had found on the Internet. Then she went into history class and read her essay on black history that she wrote the other day. Everyone really liked the essay and the comments on it. She can tell and give statements and facts. Then she entered the math class solving problems, and their teacher returned the tests. Michelle had excelled in the math test. She then entered a biology class taught about amoebae and parasites in nature. The next class was literature, and Annabelle taught them, Shakespeare. The last class was physical, and she entered the gym and trained on the equipment.
At two, they had lunch, and then Michelle went for a walk on the beach. He took the dogs with her and ran on the sand, and the dogs chased the waves. She was four when she got home; she sat down and wrote her homework and learned about the next day. They had dinner at seven and then watched TV. When Annabelle went to bed, she played the funeral video and cried as she watched it. He finally fell asleep and had nightmares about his aunt crashing. She called in her sleep and spun around in bed.

The days passed quickly, and on Friday, they went to the house by the lake to see the others in the group. Annabelle is a little better, but she still cries at night when she goes to bed and has nightmares. Cynthia takes care of her and Michelle as a mother for her children. They were the first to overtake, Cynthia unlocked, and they packed their bags. He and Annabelle started cooking for the evening, made lasagna, everyone's favorite dish, and apple pie. The other three families arrived at six, and the house came alive with childish laughter and lively conversation.
-Mmm, it smells divine; what did you prepare for dinner? Lizzie said.
-lasagna and garlic bread, and for dessert, there is apple pie with vanilla cream.
- Delicious, I brought ice cream and raspberry lemonade. I also made stuffed peppers. Lizzie said.
-We took royal shrimp and seafood to make a paella. Melanie said.
-We took octopuses and lobsters and small crabs, and several species of fish. Said Meghan.
Well, we will choose who wants what dinner for today or leave one dish for lunch tomorrow.
As you say, it doesn't matter to me. Annabelle said and left the kitchen.
What's wrong with her? Didn't we offend her with something? Melanie asked.
Don't you know that Annabelle's aunt died the other day?
Oh no, I haven't heard from her in a few days that the kids were a little sick. How did she die, you know?
Yes, she died instantly in an accident; at least she didn't suffer. Annabelle is devastated almost does not eat; I do not know how to help her.
Oh, no one called anyone so as not to worry us.
Staying home for a few days and teaching online didn't let Michelle go to school; she also went to class online. I stayed to work from home so I could take care of them.
You are a true friend of Cynthia; thank you for the care you have taken for them.
For nothing, we are like one big family, and I would do it for each of you.
At seven, they sat down to dinner; Annabelle sat with them but ate some of the lasagna and pudding. After dinner, the men washed the dishes and chopped firewood. Then everyone went to the living room and watched movies. They went to bed late; Annabelle hugged Michelle and Cynthia and fell asleep.
The weekend passed quickly in games and jokes. They went for a walk in the woods and to the village. On Saturday night, they had a seafood dinner prepared by Cynthia. After dinner, they watched TV and played Monopoly and Uno. They stayed up late, and everyone was happy in the company of others.
They would stay until the following weekend since the children were on vacation. They planned to visit nearby villages and towns if the weather was good.

On Sunday, when they got up in the morning, they had breakfast and then went for a boat trip. The weather was excellent, and they were enjoying the autumn sun. Then they went to the village for lunch at the church, where they had lunch with the other praying people. After church, they went home and cooked Sunday roasts and made pancakes. They had dinner at six and then had an evening of talent. The children sang songs and danced. They went to bed late, tired from the long day but satisfied.
On Monday, they had breakfast and went to a nearby town. They traveled for nearly an hour, enjoying the view around them. They were photographing a flock of birds, two pretty older women walking in the park. The children ran free in the park and played hide and seek. Afterward, they toured the city's sights and museums, having lunch at a small French restaurant. In the afternoon they decided to go to the market and the cinema. They went to the mall and bought Christmas presents. They visited the open market from where they bought products for the week. After the market, they went to watch Doomsday. They took popcorn and Pepsi. The film was interesting. Lizzie and Meghan, and the children watched 101 Dalmatians in 3D. In the evening, they returned at nine, ordered pizzas, and watched a movie while eating. They went to bed early because they were tired from the trip.

The next day after breakfast, they took the children to the zoo and aquarium. The children had a lot of fun, and the weather was warm for the season. Then they had lunch with the KFC and then went to a nearby park where children played at will and adults played badminton and tennis. At four o'clock, they returned, and the men prepared the barbecue, and the women made salads and fried potatoes. The children went to bed before dinner. They had dinner at seven and then watched a movie and made popcorn.
Annabelle went to the library to work on her new book. She worked late but put Michelle to bed at ten. It was three in the morning when she went to bed.
She slept until late in the morning. When he got up, the others had breakfast and went for a walk. She had breakfast and went for a walk in the garden. Then she went to work while the others were gone. At noon they sat down to eat in the garden and enjoyed the excellent weather. In the afternoon, they played monopolies, uno, painted, and read fairy tales. In the evening they had dinner and then watched movies. The children went to bed at nine, and the adults played billiards. They went to bed at midnight, and it was starting to rain outside.
The week passed quickly, and on Sunday, they returned to the city. Annabelle turned on the washing machine, and Cynthia made dinner while Michelle did her homework. They believed, and then Annabelle prepared the clothes for the next day, and they went to bed early.

Short story by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 368 times
Written on 2021-10-17 at 03:16

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