I want to cry by Ann Wood

I want to cry a lot mom. It weighs a lot on me. There seems to be no reason, and my eyes are full of tears. I really want to hug you and keep you warm, not to ask anything just to caress me, and for me to cry like that at will, without embarrassment. I know I'm big, even a lot, but my mom's crying .... you'll probably know why. I don't want anything, just to hug you, to be a child and a child, to be afraid, to be weak, to tremble and do nothing, to be helpless and to cry at will. I'm tired of being a strong mom, just crying a little ... and then I'll be in shape again.

Short story by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 281 times
Written on 2021-10-18 at 20:36

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
To cry too be able to cry
Wash some of the pains
Can when we are all cried
We emerge all the stronger
Is our hope - hopes can be

I sat hear I am thinking out too you Ann
As my love of Friendship is with you always

Ken D