No child was harmed during the making of this poem
Although one was given a hearty meal
And a couple of shillings.

Child's LAMENT

When young was I,
Nothfink do I could.
People around fought,
My noogings full of lead.
Let me tell now,
Why I stoole that peez of bread.
I adn't eaten in daze your oner,
Not a farthing to my name.
Surely it's thems wive the monee,
That shhould take the blame.
Born in guter I waze,
That waze where my mutter laid.
As l growerd up in the guter,
In the guter I did stay.
Nevver bean to skool yur oner,
Learnet to wrote juze ta same.
Neverr befor I stoole,
No meet I'd evver tried.
Standing on fiss gallows,
I'd nevver efer lyed.
Wen doown us pore,
Get ta kickin.
Whil ta rich eat ta chicken,
Richh staze richh,
Pore staze pore.
Belly stil emptee,
As eyes fall throughh ta woulden floor.
Hope my god fore mee did not saken,
Fore pore stay pore,
Itz ta richh pigs tat gets ta bacon.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 147 times
Written on 2021-11-24 at 14:09

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