Begin by hoping you can win so that success enters into your cabin!

Optimism Injects Dynamism!

Trust and show interest,
Do always your level best,
In efforts, be truly honest,
So, glory, you can harvest!

Think always that you can,
Make a courageous plan,
Any problem, you can scan
And put for it a firm ban!

Positive approach is wise,
It makes the results nice,
It will spring a real surprise
As it is loved by the Skies!

Optimism is a real must,
It helps you pass any test,
It saves you from the worst,
Due to it, hope won't rust!

With faith, you proceed
To realize what you need,
Do for all a very good deed,
Nobility is sacred indeed!

M V Venkataraman

Poetry by mvvenkataraman
Read 248 times
Written on 2021-12-05 at 17:19

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