I wrote this for my wife a long time ago,
While we were waiting for an
Ambulance, For the hospital staff.


To all the staff on hailsham three,
Thank you for looking after me.
As I look about this six bed ward,
For your patience I must applaud.

By your patients your truly tested,
The care you give is well invested.
As I head towards the destination lounge,
Here I go homeward bound.

Because of you I'm free from pain,
Many thanks once again.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 223 times
Written on 2022-01-14 at 03:14

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
I have personal knowledge of the DGH Eastbourne. My father was an inpatient there for a while.
It was a fair few years ago he was in there, and eleven years since we left the area.
Your poem in a really lovely thing to have done for them.

I felt your relief along the coast here near Hastings. Well written.