I love the rain, it wash my pain and tears away and make the world once again clean and innocent... But, beauty always comes with dark thoughts...?

Raining at the green lawn

My naked body
Covered with cold rain
Trembling at the green lawn
Lifting my face at the sky
With my eyes closed

A taste of salt
On my lips of a red dawn
Gently touch my breasts
Makes me feel like
A goddess

Lie down on my back
Feeling desire
The forest and the green lawn
Makes love to me

Kissing and holds me
But yet deceives me
Suddenly wraps me
And forever it will hide me

If you are in the forest
On rainy days
Don't try finding me
And if you hear the cries for help

Poetry by Tina
Read 1099 times
Written on 2006-06-22 at 13:41

Tags Rain  Love  Death 

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Zoya Zaidi
Wow! Tina,
I cannot but thank you
For leaving a hint for this on my page.
How amazing that rains should evoke similar feelings in people poles apart?
In different places on earth-
In different parts!
That desire is evoked by raindrops
Gently kissing your face,
The rain drops sliding down the face,
Are like the fingers of your beloved,
Gently caressing your face!!!!

A lovely write!

Love, xxx, Zoya

I agree with you, beauty comes with dark thoughts, but sometimes they don't. Wonderful poem:)
