This strange poem is inspired by Cradle of Filth's song A Gothic Romance (Red roses for the Devils Whore)

Myth of Regina Yvena

One clear night in the castle by the sea
A masqurade was hold in the feast of their liberty
They danced and they sang as soon the bell rang
But no one thought of the tales with doubt
About the woman in cellar, shout
That wanted to be free

He was alone when he walked in the corridors and fell in love with her
Her eyes of mist and her voice of a myth
He couldn't wait to have her.
"Lady of Erotic, please lure me into one fantasy
Cast me away in December night, and lull me back to cradle sky"
And she watches where he stand, this beautiful man
And kissed his cheek to ice

As the statues come alive and the people died
He met her lips in a kiss
Forgot by the world and brought far down to the deep
He lay on the bed strapped with silk
On top she was blinking and singing, high with a snake around
Her hips, it glide him over and tasted his neck
He woke up and heard her laugh from the graves

In the pale of dawn, his back at the tomb, he wondered what could be
Still her scent was strong and
His heart pounded fast as though he was dying, around him the angels was crying
And he knew by the tide
His soul was black and clear as night
When he fell in love with her

Poetry by Tina
Read 1181 times
Written on 2006-09-20 at 16:24

Tags Romance 

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Amanda K
Narrating thru a poem isn't easy at all but you mastered it here my dear and i enjoyed reading it . I wanna draw your attention to some mistyping here in these two lines, i hope am not mistakes:
And she watch where he stand, this beautiful man.
Shoudl it be "she watches where he stands,"don know?? or past voice

Keep up the good work,


Christian Ward
good narrative poem, interesting source of inspiration, lol