Positive attitude is viewed as shrewd as we are by it easily rescued!

Dynamism through Enthusiasm

Be agile, brisk, active, and always smile

Do your duty with maximum happiness

God is in full control of our whole life

He is there to supply us confidence


You have a vocation to perform well

Is not that blessing a truly noble one?

Mind not the compensation given

As you can at any time improve that


Love your occupation with sincerity

Pray to the Lord to give you true joy

Convey to God all your troubles ever

Use His invisible support hopefully


Do a creative work by feeling blessed

As that will sustain your peace of mind

As a result of your holy enthusiasm

Enough bliss will come toward you

Neither regrets nor fears must affect

As both form a bad combination only

Face the World by being extra bold

Happiness and success will follow.


M V Venkataraman

Poetry by mvvenkataraman
Read 185 times
Written on 2022-06-20 at 17:55

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