It is a simple set of words. I'm hoping they will paint a wholesome image in my reader's mind.


We reach the riverbank
and the air is cooler.
I slip my arm around your waist
and you lean into me.
I could stay like this
but your being so close
inspires the need for more
of you.

You point across the water
that is flowing slow and sure
and there frozen from motion
stands the devious Heron.
His beady eyes wary.
I turn to whisper in your ear
as you turn to me
and there we are
face to face
with me even more in love
with you.

Our lips have touched
for a brief electric moment
and the Heron is forgotten
as the sound of the river
is blanked by my racing heart
pounding in my ears.
But footsteps break through
approaching on the gravel path
and instinctively I pull away
from you.

The Heron, with a fish in tow,
flaps his great white wings
and rises through the air..
We are alone again in our
shady spot beneath some trees.
I gently pull you to me
and as we kiss your body bends
and brings me so much closer
to you.

A passion for the nature
along the riverbank binds us
Like so many other things
we have found thus mirrored
in our very hearts and souls.
Finally a kiss! And who cares
if a passing stranger sees
our bodily affection and love
When all of Nature decrees
I should only give myself alone
to you.


© Griffonner 2022

Poetry by Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 194 times
Written on 2022-07-31 at 09:29

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I love the conceit of looking at the heron and how you've used it in the poem. Good one!

Esti D-G The PoetBay support member heart!
Fabulous love poem! Gently erotic. Loved it!

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This is a refreshingly modest romantic poem. I enjoyed it.

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
I think you succeeded. Your simple words do paint a lovely and wholesome picture. The leisurely and building pace enhance the scenes.