Happy Christmas

A little Christmas message,
I have been unwell recently
so have not written or contributed
much, but please know
you are in my thoughts
and I would just like to wish
all of you, the merriest and
happiest of Christmas'
and hope to reconnect
in the New Year!


Elle xxx

Poetry by Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 257 times
Written on 2022-12-21 at 17:57

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
And may your Christmas and new Year be one of wellness and peace Elle.

Sorry to hear you've been feeling unwell, hope you improve soon Elle and thank you for your festive wishes, the same to you.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
We'll be waiting patiently, Elle. I hope that you start to feel better soon.

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Here's hoping you get better soon Elle,
Miss your posts.
hope you have a lovely Christmas
And a happy new year. xxx regards Alan and the rest of his tribe.

Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Thanks for your kind wishes, so sorry for your indisposition, and may your Christmas be graced. Peace and light.