Feeling bad went to bed at eight,
Went to the loo didn't feel great
Temperature high woke up at ten,
Rushed off to the loo once again.

A pattern emerged woke up at two,
You guessed it I ran off to the loo.
Night sweats came in shivering to,
Mouth dried drank a litre or two.

Woke up again this time at three,
Drank to much water needed a wee.
Felt as though I needed to die,
Wife cuddling me kept me alive.

Got up five waking up once again,
Running to the loo getting a pain.
Waking migraine started to write,
Drop of rain thunderously loud.
Pleased it's dark couldn't stand light:

Luckily fell into a slumber so deep,
Waking and weeing a diabetic state.
At least I slept till half past eight,
Getting the flu on top isn't that great.

Dressing gown on mask and marigolds,
Tidied the kitchen didn't seem fair.
Did the lounge breakfast for all not me,
Then again I am the carer for the family.

Put out a tin of hotdogs rolls for lunch,
Still feeling a little more than just rough.
Hot water on later I'd have a shower,
Went back to bed for a couple of hours.

If they can't find a tin opener tough,
For once in my life I've had enough.
Woke up again around half past ten,
Went for wee drank a cup of coffee.

I woke up at the oddest of hours,
Before having some time to myself,
A wee and that preferable shower.

The plot I feel that I've lost it.
At least know I know why,
it's called a water closet.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 139 times
Written on 2023-01-15 at 00:06

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Behind the easy rhyme there is a telling statement, of the single carer, who has to carry on.