Tune: "Chattanooga Cho0-choo"


Cannabinoid, is that the stuff in marijuana?

Yes, sir, indeed! You can find it in weed.

Cannabinoid, you can drink it if you wanna!

Buddy ol' pal, without objection I shall.


Oh, you can put a drop o' CBD in your cup of tea,

Drink it at 2.30, be quite mellow by three!

Ganja in my system, sweet dreams how I miss them,

All my worries and my cares, good-bye I kiss them!


Cannabinoid, it's just a magical elixir:

Makes me so chill. Sure beats takin' a pill.

Cannabinoid, I think I found my friendly fixer!

The calm is so deep, I can finally sleep.

Poetry by Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 237 times
Written on 2023-01-28 at 01:44

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indeed, money is not the good joint, you get speeded up by money because time runs against it, right?