The rabbit hole is lost,
To me I'm not asking for sympathy.
For evermore wonder what,
Could ignite my love to write.
Heartache is not something we teach,
This year for me is going the same way as the year before.
Why must I pretend not to hurt not to let others know,
There are no batteries big enough to recharge me.
Sometimes I feel if only I could let myself go,
As my energy is very low.
I shed to many a tear,
That's not for me so I carry on responsibly.
Another day another funeral to many last year,
My warped sense of humour comes to the fore.
When someone says did you know so and so died,
Have to stop myself from saying, I hope it wasn't from something too serious. Maybe I'll come out of this slump,
Life for me has just hit another bump.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 127 times
Written on 2023-02-03 at 11:54

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I am so sorry for your losses.
I have lost two people very close to me these past three years and your words in the poem echo my feelings right now.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings!