Was asked do I suffer from being dyslexic,
Did but only when I was a kid.
No I don't suffer from lexdysia,
My mind rather enjoys the fizz.

Seeing the words floating back,
There's no way my cogs get clogged.
I'm just a aberration of my mind,
Like a long lost puppy dog.

Like a long lost processed pea,
As l put it to my mouth it screams.
Please don't eat me,
What about my family.
Alas it was to late!
As I scooped the rest of them,
Off my fork. Greedily,
For I had cleaned my plate.

So my mind lays itself bare,
Knowing there's many out there.
That doesn't suffer from it:
In fact I quite enjoy being,
A dyslexic old git

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 151 times
Written on 2023-02-12 at 13:54

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Sometimes our so called weaknesses can actually be our greatest assets. Well written. Enjoyed the read.