Mumbled words,
Jumbled brain.
No sleep at night,
Gone insane.

Dyscalculia brain,
Dyslexic mind,
Never taught.

Living life,
Day by day.
Love itself,
Here to stay.

Mind boils and bubbles,
For evermore.
Thoughts, Go muddled,
Cannot think, Anymore.

Combed hair,
Straighten mind.
Befuddled thoughts,
Lost in time.

Inspiration funny thing,
Sometimes lost.
Or kept within,
Pushed brain thinks insane.

Inspirational thought,
Enters Brain.
Forces me,
To write again.

Splintered spirit,
Through and through.
Stuck together,
With super glue.

Inspiration comes from within,
Living comes from going out.
Like holding ice cream in your hand,
A true loving heart is sure to melt.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 115 times
Written on 2023-02-15 at 14:00

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