March 23, 2023.

trans resistance

Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel
Why does spirit invoke the sound of hot steel
Transformation leaves one in such a vulnerable state

Once hatched, once bloomed -
Can’t return to the old cocoon
That kept you together, that kept you safe

Even when we are buried and dead,
More will raise up their heavy heads
So prepare the iron bars, you will need quite a few

Bones may be broken
But spirits will never bend
So prepare the heavy books, I will wait in the solid oak pews

Stack them upon my chest
Every single religious text
That will be used against us, a match of pawns and King James

Know that your savior has given me an everlasting name
That shall not be cut off, a monument that restores frail wings
Despite what title you put at our secluded graves

Poetry by aidan haskel The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 231 times
Written on 2023-03-24 at 02:59

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Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
"a match of pawns and King James" --- brilliant.

the poem is powerful throughout, and beyond commendable.