A Love as Hot and Tempting as Rising Dough

A love as hot and tempting as rising dough,
like fruit, is most ripe in the spring of life.
So slake the hunger. Bite the apple! Though
some will judge you, let it not cause you strife.

“What role does Nature have for a coy virgin?”
that, O chaste, young maiden, is the question:
enjoy the pleasures of youth, long before sin
takes hold through the hypocrite's religion.

Even priests tire from their show of virtue,
ever so marked by their own unnatural lusts.
The fire inside which won't ever hurt you,
yearns for the feeling of your lover's thrusts.

As angels gather round in heaven's choir,
passion's purpose is to lift love higher.

Sonnet by Ngoc Nguyen The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 151 times
Written on 2023-04-28 at 03:52

Tags Love  Passion  Virginity 

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