Onese more The Migration debate

Guaranteed to keep minds occupied

Divide us

The ' Nasty Party ' - ' The Torrys '

Leading the debate

Ironically the U.K. PM - himself

Of obverse migrant stock

Saying there are too many of them!

Listening to him and those who support

His rhetoric -  I for one cannot but recall

The Nuremberg Laws of 1935

Maybe round up those of obverse ethnicity first

Strate to the airport - off to Rowander!

Then on to the next ' bunch ' - using The Nurmermberg Laws
As a template - round up all those who have a migrant history

In no time at all - England - soon be returned to its green and pleasant land!

With no humans at all! For England The English excites due to migrants

Since The Ice Age Bridge, even after The Bridge melted, migrants made their

Way hear added to the cocktail of the DNA, that has forever mackes the up the

English people!


Ken D. Williams


The Dyslexic Wordsmith Ov Thanet




Poetry by ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 156 times
Written on 2023-05-25 at 12:55

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