We should not could not,Forget about the whores of war.
Aren't we all guilty of killing a thing or two,
Isn't it true we would be better locked in a zoo.
For aren't we born animals too.
Mass murder is a crime,
Will we still be judged over time.
Of killing innocent animals to,
Will we be known as planet killers too.
Maybe if mankind is to survive,
There will be no insects or animals left alive.
If good men do nothing evil will surely survive.
As for out worldly beings trying to contact us,
That would be like someone throwing,
Themselves under a bus.
For we tend to fight anything,
Even though morally we don't have the right.
We would fight, Many things alienate us.
From the colour of our skin,
It's down in black and White.
For humanity to survive,
We must put our differences aside.
Working together as one race,
Or we could be known to all,
As the cockroaches of outer space.
Poetry by Alan J Ripley
Read 164 times
Written on 2023-07-28 at 01:20
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