Almost friends

There's an avalanche of thoughts,
Roaming around inside my head.
Apart from life here's my one true regret,
With Dysculculia everything I try to learn,
Is lost within the annuls of my mind.
No school work that would ever stick,
I can't describe myself as being thick.
Most would say I am a bit thick in the end,
I would describe them as almost friends.
Ones that would lead you a Merry dance,
That would stab you in the back,
if they were given half a chance.
Even though I was surrounded by people,
My mind never excepted them as friends.
Just people I knew along the way,
Although I guess they all were in the end.
That's the problem with being bullied,
When you're young letting people in.
Always thought they were never friend's.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 94 times
Written on 2023-09-02 at 01:11

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