I'm a unsophisticated,
Sophisticated type of gent.
Wears braces as well as a belt,
Who's never had his collar felt.

I'm a anthropomorphic,
Metamorphic type of guy.
Who forgets to say hello,
When it's time to say goodbye.

An introvertable extrovert,
Just living out his age.
Who ties his tongue In knots,
Whenever he gets on stage.

I'm an inbriveated imbiber,
Toxicologist who's drug of choice.
Should be used by everyone,
That drug of course is life.

In a maelstrom of contention,
A whirlwind of mind over matter.
Who has weathered storms by umbrella,
A strange looking qwerty type of feller.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 83 times
Written on 2023-09-04 at 12:10

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