
So here I stand,
At the penultimate though.
At the edge of mankind,
Let me give all of us a hand.

For allowing us to destroy,
This once and pleasant land.
A place where children used to dream,
Know all that's left biting cold desert
hot sands.

If there was a God a maker of lands,
Then mankind strived to destroy everything
God built. For although man has the means
To travel to outer-space, only sterile children
Could be born in the voids of space.

For with radiation abundant in every place,
Mankind cannot reproduce in outer space.
The politicians can now tax Without care,
Then charge us as they start to sell us air.

Ozone nearly lost so is air and drinking water,
So are our lives of our son's and daughter's.
Mother earth Will survive,
As long as mankind is no longer alive.
All of this has happened once before,
Man must go the way of the dinosaur's.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 81 times
Written on 2023-09-18 at 07:19

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