Vagrants, Tramps and thieves

It's sad to think,
There are people out there.
Living on the outside,
Not enough to eat or drink.

Some by circumstance;
Not theirs fault deeply hurt,
The outcasts of society.
While others celebrate,
Their non sobriety.

There's no soup kitchens,
Open all year round.
Not enough beds to sleepin,
In the city's and the towns.

Why can't we look after foreigners,
As well as our own in each city and towns.
The illegal immigrants that we keep in luxury,
While people sleep on the outside on the ground.

There's to many purporting to be homeless,
Begging on our streets, A vagrant splinter.
While others suffer the freezing winters,
Disposable humans forever forgotten.

Why don't the government do something
Or have they tried, Am I being rotten.
Some are full off fear and fright,
Not just for the days but for the night's.

It must be hard to live that way amongst
Vagrants, Tramps and thieves.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 86 times
Written on 2023-11-10 at 14:22

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Sona The PoetBay support member heart!

No government of any country ever cares. They just wanna steal the people’s money and blame on minorities when anyone tries to call them out