How strange it is to be,
To exist when my mind.
Goes into a freeze,
It's not very nice for me.

Stopping for a coffee,
Buying Carol a tea.
She decided to go shopping,
Disappearing on me.

My mind goes in a whirl,
My body starts to shake.
Know she won't be long,
What's wrong with me?
for heaven's sake.

It's not as though she's lost,
So why do I feel this way.
Not as though she's wandered
Off, She's coming back to me;
Almost straight away.

I see her in the distance,
Walking back to me.
Cannot control the shakes,
As I try to type this out,
Wish I could for heaven's sake.

Shaking my hands slowly stop,
People look at me.
As though I'm alcoholic,
I seldom touch a drop.

Being on unsteady legs,
Myself and my wife.
Get up off our seats,
And leave the coffee

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 91 times
Written on 2023-11-12 at 01:46

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Man, you managed to make great art out of a terrifying experience. That's a win in my book.

Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
and you do have a steady company.
A poignant poem and yet- the underlying theme is one of steady love.

Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
The fluent rhythms anchor the poem, and accentuate the poignancy of the theme. While I obviously wish for a less distressing circumstance, I like the poem very much.