and . . . m c

sonnet for lynn



margaret marples rutherford at seventy

myrna loy as nora

mary aster shining in silver


billie holiday at the end of a needle

flora purim you're everything

pattie santos making it a beautiful day


a small package named josephine miles 

rosalia de castro is the black rose

the wit of roz chast 


gabriela sabatini in ankle socks

brit baker extraordinaire martha collison 

les quatre parfums lisa paula deana joannie 




mascot of the stitched wrist sylvia plath

too dark for the occasion




Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 171 times
Written on 2023-11-22 at 05:49

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This is elegant, full of memories, music, poetry and history. It takes me back to a different time in my life: Flora Purim, I must go back and relive her music, thank you.

Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
and this poem is class(y). Also a class for me. i am reading about them too. Thank you so much

Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautiful, Lynn. I am so glad i took out time to read and re-read your poem- not just a poem but layers and layers of unpeeling of persona and getting to essence and still not hold it but just kind of get a glance of it. beautiful.

Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
I don't know who 99% of these people are. Damn I feel uncultured HA!

Marie Cadavieco The PoetBay support member heart!
So many great female icons! But each is one dimensional yet added together, they reveal your heart... Lynn.
I was transfixed by this.

Odd that billie holiday is not too dark...yet sylvia plath is. But it is what it is, which is yours. I am keeping this to come back time and time again.
Marie xxx