Here I lay upon my bed,
When it's time to go,
For my skin I'll shed.

To travel without myself,
To gods ethereal plain.

From my husk I'll be free,
As time goes can I see.
What will happen to myself,
My wife, Children and poetry.

Or will it not matter,
As you travel above:

Or will there be,
Many things I'll miss.
The touch of a hand,
A tender kiss.

Only God knows, As
I ponder this at night.
The crescent moon,
Shines ever so bright.

An outta body experience;
Hope it will be worth the wait,
When an inner body experience.
Is what I really crave,
All the wife said was, "Behave".

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 104 times
Written on 2024-03-18 at 01:28

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