Here I lay upon my bed,Wondering:
When it's time to go,
For my skin I'll shed.
To travel without myself,
To gods ethereal plain.
From my husk I'll be free,
As time goes can I see.
What will happen to myself,
My wife, Children and poetry.
Or will it not matter,
As you travel above:
Or will there be,
Many things I'll miss.
The touch of a hand,
A tender kiss.
Only God knows, As
I ponder this at night.
The crescent moon,
Shines ever so bright.
An outta body experience;
Hope it will be worth the wait,
When an inner body experience.
Is what I really crave,
All the wife said was, "Behave".
Poetry by Alan J Ripley
Read 104 times
Written on 2024-03-18 at 01:28
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