I'd like to thank alarian for allowing me to use
his rainbow grenade, Which inspired the whole poem.


Inspiration often comes from,
Reading someone else's verse.
Although I must admit,
This dyslexia is a curse.

Often I just cannot understand,
Or maybe it's because.
I'm a uncommon,
Common Man.

Then as I tried to digest,
Shakespeare, Wordsworth,
Alarian, Keats and Yeats.
I cannot my minds a mess.

A rainbow grenade goes off,
Often within my tiny head.
Colouring my mind as I read,
Speculating thoughts in different ways.

An amusing muse starts to play,
With what words are used today.
I'll have to pay the Piper,
Come What may.

When it's time for the ferryman,
To come my way.
Will it be God or the devil,
No one will say.

Think I find it very droll,
If to get to heaven,
You have to pay a toll.
I guess I'll find out,
On that final day.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 100 times
Written on 2024-03-26 at 01:14

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Don't pay the ferryman Alan; good poem though.