The question of perfection,
Is something that's not new.
We strive for the unattainable,
As each of us should do.

If perfection was ever reached,
I'd find that quite persidious.
For man to be that fastidious,
There would be no more goals
to reach.

Trying to obtain that state,
If we ever did achieve it.
Would we find out to late,
That mankind would stagnate.

That's why we never achieve,
At each hurdle we must fall.
For if we achieved the unachievable,
Would we bother doing anything
else at all?

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 140 times
Written on 2024-04-14 at 12:04

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Alarian has a point as a result of reading your poem, doesn't he. Funnily enough this subject has occurred twice today in poetry that I've read, and I've postulated that if we are part of the 'whole' (each and every one of us) then just maybe, at our moment in time, our imperfections are required in order to complete and balance the whole? Blessings, Allen

for me, progress means doing better than before (economically by doing things cheaper but merchants want to make profit...) with objects that already exist... in the end, the inexhaustible energy would come from the trash (laughs) and what would be the economical model when less is more?